No Small Victories: Community Tales of Resistance

No Small Victories: Rossana Leal

Season 2 Episode 1

Welcome  to Season 2 of No Small Victories! In this first episode , Lucy speaks to Rossana Leal, Founder and CEO of The Refugee Buddy Project and a refugee who arrived in Britain from Chile in the 1970s. Recorded at the end of 2023, fifty years  after the violent right-wing Chilean coup  toppled Salvador Allende's democratic government and brought a 17-year dictatorship to power, Rossana reflects on how the past, and the welcome her and her family received as refugees in Scotland, has informed her work for migrant justice and building community through art and culture.

Please visit The Refugee Buddy Project to find out more and consider donating to the project!

Follow the links below to find out more about Chile, Chilean exile and Britain's connection as well as the organisations and places mentioned in this podcast .

To learn more about Haringey Welcome’s work please visit our website at or follow us on Twitter @HaringeyWelcome. You can also drop us an email at
We’d love to hear from you!


'Half a Century After His Death, Salvador Allende is Still Present Among Us' by Victor Figueroa for Jacobin

'Letters as a Lifeline to Chile' by Gloria Miqueles

'Memory is a Political Act' by Isabel Cortes for Four Corners

'The Chilean Coup at 50: An Interview with Mike Gatehouse' for Tribune Magazine

Resistance, Rights and Refuge: Britain and Chile 50 Years after the Chilean Coup

Solidarity Knows No Borders

Making home: the world in Brick Lane