No Small Victories: Community Tales of Resistance
No Small Victories: Community Tales of Resistance
No Small Victories: Jessica Potter
Lucy speaks to Jessica Potter, Consultant at North Middlesex University Hospital, about the right to health and dignity for all. They discuss why the Hostile Environment is so detrimental to our collective wellbeing and how racism is corroding the UK’s public health provision.
You can find out more about health-focused organisations campaigning for migrant justice by following the links below. To learn more about Haringey Welcome’s work, please visit our website at https://haringeywelcome.org/ or follow us on twitter @HaringeyWelcome. You can also drop us an email at refugeeswelcomeharingey@gmail.com We’d love to hear from you!
Medact Migrant Solidarity Group
Patients not Passports toolkit
Maternity Action
Docs not Cops
Doctors of the World
The Hostile Environment explained